Saturday, January 2, 2016

Grant Pulling in a King...or is it a Shark?

Click on the link below to see Grant catch a huge King...or is it a shark?

The winning boat parade entry, Santa's Big Fish. Built by the Maestro Steller and operated by Carrie, Renee, Rebecca and Jason.

Fishing Trip Offshore with Grant and Jamie.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Deja vu

Who's flounder is bigger?

Grant age 4
Carys age 6

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Heroes for Freedom

Won 2nd place with a few live Specs.

Any day is a nice day on the water. October Hero's Tournament.

Larry looks professional.

Our newest and youngest member of the Old Saltz fishing Team.

Our most experienced, but very unlucky, founding father Don Tarpey.

Weigh in.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Miami Trip

Miami Mahi. Caught 20 and used 3 for Swordfish bait.

Three Bulls were the largest.

Johnny took home ten sets of fillets and a sore wrist. Only one swordfish was within 30' of the gaff but swam away unharmed...nuts!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Offshore Excursions 2015

Triple Tail that was in the shade of a 2X6 within a mile of the Jetties.

Limit of Snapper on  opening day 2015.

Filling Lupe's request for two Kings.

Perfect Snapper to eat.